
Batzman von den Fünf Filmfreunden zieht ein passendes Resumee der Oscar-Nacht.

Den schönsten Werbespot gibt’s bei den Mac Essentials.

Im Tippspiel von Dramaking habe ich mit drei wackeren Mitstreitern den zweiten Platz gemacht. Kann man nicht meckern. (Kann man wohl, aber ich verkneif’s mir. Ich schmeiße ja auch keine Spielbretter mehr um. Meistens.)

Und die schönste Zusammenfassung der Nacht kommt von den Mädels von Go Fug Yourself (bitte mal eben kurz das „Kleid“ von Faye Dunaway angucken), die fremdgebloggt haben:

„9:25 p.m. Ellen takes to the audience and chats up a very cheery Martin Scorsese, handing him a script to review. AND THEN THEY RUIN THE MOMENT WITH MORE INTERPRETIVE DANCE. Did we learn NOTHING from that time Rob Lowe danced with Snow White? Don’t dance! We know we’re supposed to be amazed when the dance troupe turns their bodies into little penguins, but it kind of freaks us out. Make the dancing stop.

9:30 p.m. Two notes into James Taylor’s song and we already want to bash our heads against the wall. Well, some of us do; a friend of ours is busy reminiscing about a synchronized swimming routine she once performed to “Whenever I See Your Smiling Face.” It’s like we don’t even know her.

9:31 p.m. Is anyone still awake? Aside from James Taylor? Even Randy Newman on the piano seems to be nodding off a tad.

9:33 p.m. Melissa Etheridge hears our call, apparently. Her song from An Inconvenient Truth is called “I Need to Wake Up.” We miss “It’s Hard Out There for a Pimp,” though; that’s a message that will never stop being important. Everyone in the audience puts on their Serious, Concerned About the Environment faces.“