Links vom 23. Juni 2014

The end of the hipster: how flat caps and beards stopped being so cool

Ãœber Umwege via Peter Glasers Glaserei:

„Chris Sanderson, futurologist and co-founder of trend forecasting agency The Future Laboratory, thinks it’s simple: “The hipster died the minute we called him a hipster. The word no longer had the same meaning.”“

Im Artikel steht auch, woher das Wort eigentlich kommt. Wusste ich nicht:

„The word was coined in the 1940s to define someone who rejected societal norms – such as middle-class white people who listened to jazz. Then came a reactive literary subculture, realised through the work of beatniks such as Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs. It was Norman Mailer who attempted to define hipsters in his essay The White Negro as postwar American white generation of rebels, disillusioned by war, who chose to “divorce oneself from society, to exist without roots, to set out on that uncharted journey into the rebellious imperatives of the self”.

A decade later, we had the counter-culture movement – hippies who carried their torch in a fairly self-explanatory fashion, divorced from the mainstream. The word mostly vanished until the 1990s, when it was redefined so as to describe middle-class youths with an interest in “the alternative”.“

Der Osten lebt

Ich zitiere die Selbstbeschreibung des Tumblrs:

„Faszinierend, dass die Umrisse der DDR in aktuellen statistischen Kartendarstellungen noch immer zu entdecken sind. Beispiele werden hier gesammelt.“

(via @ichichich)

9 Facts Shatter the Biggest Stereotypes About Fat People

Die ewig gleichen Vorurteile mit den ewig gleichen Gegenargumenten. Je länger ich mich mit dem Thema beschäftige, desto mutloser werde ich, aber: Es hilft ja nix. Posten wir also weiter Artikel, die die Schauermärchen über dicke Menschen widerlegen. Möge es nützen. Irgendwann und irgendwem.

„If being fat were inherently bad for us, then weight loss should bring about innumerable health benefits. But that’s not always the case: Multiple studies have seen little to no connection between weight loss and decreased risk of mortality.

In fact, some studies have found that fat people are more likely to survive cardiac events and that being overweight can have a positive influence on longevity. What’s more, losing significant weight is very difficult, and intense yo-yo dieting can cause plenty of health problems, too. The conversation about weight-related health risks also frequently ignores the problems that thin or underweight people may face as well.

Extremes on either end of the scale carry risks, and no one doubts that eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise are good things. On its own, however, weight is not the issue. Too much junk food combined with a sedentary lifestyle is, and it’s going to be regardless of one’s weight.“

(via @journelle)